Oct 5, 2009

Abortion and Health Care Reform

What a joy it must be to live in a truly free country. Either abortion is legal or it isn't. Since it is a legal medical procedure every health plan should pay for it. We are supposed to have freedom of religion in this country, but certain parties are oblivious to that. The pro-life crowds are hypocrites who only care about life in the womb, but care nothing about the lives of people who have already been born. It's time they kept their religious beliefs to themselves, and stopped forcing them down the throats of everyone else. Most religious beliefs are based on fairy tales and mythology, and have very little to do with morality and ethics. They are based on nothing but control, especially the control of women.

It is not rational to force a woman to bear and then raise a child she doesn't want simply because she had sex. Where the ‘respect for life’ is when unwanted children are born into the world? Many of the world's criminals were mistreated as children because their parents didn’t want them. I don't see society stepping up to raise these children who are born to reluctant mothers/ parents. Pro-lifers only think of the birth of the child- they don't consider the life of the child.

Abortion needs to be covered by any health care insurance system. It is ironic that those who would deny abortion coverage in order to protect an unborn human life care nothing for ensuring that any baby born, including those with severe disabilities, have a means of support medical or otherwise once they are out of the womb.


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