Dec 8, 2009

"Texas think green" Blog 8

This is a great idea that they are passed the grant and it” will give Texas $5.8 million for attic insulation, weather stripping, high efficiency appliances, and other improvements to low-income households over the next two years. The building of a solar panel and having "energy districts" might be seen by 2015 and by doing this will keep electricity demand low, so that Austin can avoid a power plant built by 2020” (Toohey, Marty). This people must be able to accommodate enough solar panels to generate more electricity than the household uses, should a homeowner choose to add panels. We just need to watch and see if this really effective the use of solar panel to help to prevent the pollution and lower the use of power plants as Hector said in his blog. Austin is starting to change its view on the environment, as we can tell, passes and its increasing rapidly on the pollution as every year.
The city established its first conservation programs in the early 1980s. In 1999, the City Council ordered Austin Energy to make energy efficiency its top priority. The city now spends about $25 million a year on such programs. Both business and environmental advocates clashed over many points of the plan. Also both camps quickly agreed that Austin should emphasize energy efficiency. How Wood and Reed are ambitious about cutting the energy demand of megawatts by 2020, and not satisfied by the Austin Energy goal of 800megawatts and striving for 1,000mw goal, it will put one foot ahead of the other states by keeping the planet cleaner.

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