Dec 8, 2009
Death Penalty in Texas Blog6
The government offers very little opportunity to those that abuse the justice system. If you do not have the money to buy your freedom you are left to suffer the consequences. They are tainted for the rest of their lives as criminals. To be regarded as unequal seems to be more of a repercussion than death. We need to change a system and process to better provide a solution to people that could possibly be placed on death row. For example there are countless ways to die naturally; these types of destructive actions are easy ways to label humanity as arrogant.
"Texas think green" Blog 8
The city established its first conservation programs in the early 1980s. In 1999, the City Council ordered Austin Energy to make energy efficiency its top priority. The city now spends about $25 million a year on such programs. Both business and environmental advocates clashed over many points of the plan. Also both camps quickly agreed that Austin should emphasize energy efficiency. How Wood and Reed are ambitious about cutting the energy demand of megawatts by 2020, and not satisfied by the Austin Energy goal of 800megawatts and striving for 1,000mw goal, it will put one foot ahead of the other states by keeping the planet cleaner.
Dec 1, 2009
Blog 7: Fry: Wind farms reap a grim harvest
The wind development is far less destructive than many types of energy production, such as mountaintop-removal coal mining, wind power's threats to wildlife are not inconsequential. The high winds frequently overlap with the bird habitat. The habitat issues, bird collisions with wind turbines are mounting. It may look like those blades spin lazily in the breeze, but their tips can reach speeds of 200 mph. If the bird strikes this blade then it will kill the birds and every year as many as 11 bird killed by each turbine. The environmental and wind industry is discussing how to save the birds and wildlife habitats.
The wind industry has asserted that wind projects allowed anywhere where there is good wind power potential, and protected areas. Wind Advisory Committee has agreed to recommend large "no go" buffer zones around sage grouse and prairie chicken breeding grounds. Wind developers also have agreed to consult early with the Fish and Wildlife Service on new wind farm proposals. “The difficult issue of how to protect flocks of migrating birds from collisions with the turbine rotors but the American Bird Conservancy and the Cornell Lab of Ornithology has organized a team of experts to develop recommendations and a research agenda to tackle these problems and knowledge gaps”.
Nov 17, 2009
Imprisoning a Child for Life
Unfortunately, our youth today may be sadly lost to a value system that evolved from the depths. As for those who are educatedly challenged and do not have the mental capability to mature and conduct their own affairs, the dreaded "institutionalization" probably should be the alternative to setting them up to be influenced to re-offend. By "institutionalization," I do not refer to the prison system, but life in a structured setting that allows them to flourish to the best of their capabilities, be away from the wrong elements of society, and enjoy the securities they so desperately need and deserve. Many parents of challenged children do not have the knowledge or social resources, forget the monetary resources, to raise, nurture, and maintain these children, now turned adults, with forever children mental capabilities, in their homes without serious consequence to all.
Oct 15, 2009
Reform and Your Premiums
Oct 5, 2009
Abortion and Health Care Reform
It is not rational to force a woman to bear and then raise a child she doesn't want simply because she had sex. Where the ‘respect for life’ is when unwanted children are born into the world? Many of the world's criminals were mistreated as children because their parents didn’t want them. I don't see society stepping up to raise these children who are born to reluctant mothers/ parents. Pro-lifers only think of the birth of the child- they don't consider the life of the child.
Abortion needs to be covered by any health care insurance system. It is ironic that those who would deny abortion coverage in order to protect an unborn human life care nothing for ensuring that any baby born, including those with severe disabilities, have a means of support medical or otherwise once they are out of the womb.
Sep 23, 2009
Mr. Obama and Mr. Hu on Warming
Howsoever important the global issues of common concern are, the national policy actions, due to domestic compulsions and varying perceptions of national interests by respective governments, are rarely guided by them, unless, of course, a common catastrophe or extinction threat does become imminent. The problem of climate change though happens to be one such issue of common global concern, yet there seems to be little prospect that a major breakthrough would be achieved either at the current get together of 100 and odd world leaders at the UN or at the forthcoming Copenhagen UN summit on climate change. For, instead of realizing individual role and responsibility for causing climate change through excessive energy consumption and burning fossil fuel, leading to greenhouse gas emission and warming of atmosphere, the member countries of the UN do seem to be generally indulged in mutual accusations. Thus, unless there is an agreement on a common policy framework to tackle the problem of climate change, and the member countries do show some genuine commitment to voluntarily reduce greenhouse gas emission in order to keep the atmospheric temperature to an agreed safe levels of 2 degrees Celsius of the pre-industrial stage, there is little chance of any progress on this front. In this respect, a clear acceptance of the judicious and pragmatic principle of 'historical responsibility and distributive burden sharing with equity' could become the starting point. Simultaneously, the western industrialized nations too should agree to help developing countries fund and transfer clean technology to facilitate their transition to green economic development, which might lead to a win-win situation for all.